Public relations
At the heart of any PR company is the concept of influence. In order to shape and direct conversations you must work with the people that start them. Sometimes those are traditional journalist sources but increasingly conversations are becoming more niche and dispersed. The role of today’s PR company is to in understand how opinion spreads and moves through a connected society. Influence nowadays can be anything from the traditional column inch to a retweet.
Finding and targeting influencers has always been a core part of the PR service mix. Wildfire can work with you to establish the right influencers, manage your relationship with them and measure the impact of results.

Running a business is full of challenges and imperfections. Do you know what your customers are saying about you and your competitors? Do you understand the latest age, gender, or demographic trends for your business? Are customers interested in your new products?
At ame Astoria Management we believe that research uncovers reality. Not every answer can be found by typing into the Google search bar. Sometimes you have to dig a little deeper – and that’s what our targeted research does.
We specialize in qualitative and quantitative market research and full-service marketing for clients big and small. We’ll work with you to conduct research to reveal your best target market and guide you on your path to success.

When you aren't looking for all a full-service ame Astoria Management agency offers, you can still come to us to glean information. We are marketing consultants at heart, and any of our department heads will gladly consult with you.
You’ve got data, and lots of it. If you’re like most enterprises, you’re struggling to transform massive information into actionable insights for better decision making and increased business results. Leverage the power of your data and the expertise of our consultants to increase revenue, improve profitability, lower costs, identify opportunities, reduce threats, and more.

Planning an international campaign requires both global thinking and local knowledge. ame Astoria Management experience with both customers and agencies from around the world make us ideally placed to plan and coordinate your strategy. We understand that different approaches to the same objectives will be required across borders and we also understand that different agencies have different competencies and specialities in delivering your requirements.